Sandbelt Bowls Region, of which Moorabbin Bowls Club is a member, is the home of 46 lawn bowls clubs in the South and South Eastern Region of Melbourne. With over 5,000 members, our clubs offer exciting activities throughout the year. Pennant; Championship play; Barefoot bowls; and Club Tournaments are on the green while the club rooms host a variety of social events.

Sandbelt Website has so much relevant information for you to access. SDELBA competition details, results, club competitions, tournaments and social events, links to many relevant sites and information, entry to Sandbelt Championships.

Sandbelt Region website:

Sandbelt Championships Information:

Condition of Play for State Championships

Sandbelt Championships - Event Open & Closing Dates

BowlsLink Draw/Results Portal - All current Sandbelt Competitions

These Championships are being managed by Ali Forsyth. Any queries should be directed to